In its early years, Yogalife started by organizing intensive one-month long Teacher Training Courses in India and Switzerland. Because the Yogalife founders often spent 30 days in an isolated place in India, they were able to spend time with all students individually and understand what the things were that created most impact on them. Through continuous feedback and self-education Yogalife refined its sincere Yoga education for the last 22 years. The Yogalife teachers noticed that in their one-month formula, the main participants were individuals on a sabbatical or were in-between jobs or relationships. Many of those people were exploring options in a search to change their lives and Yoga was just one of those options.

However, many other people from all over the globe wanted to join the courses too, but these people often had a job, children or a very active life and were not able to take one month off to attend the TTC. That is when Yogalife decided to divide the content of the one month TTC into 9 weekends, an update that was made 10 years ago and first tested in Belgium. It proved to be a very successful formula and has since been followed by many other Yoga organizations . Through this change Yogalife noticed a big shift in their clientele, where the participants now are often much more into Yoga and really want to adjust their lives according to the Yoga philosophy in which they are immersed during the Teacher Training Course.









“Through continuous feedback and self-education Yogalife refined its sincere Yoga education for the last 2 decades.”


Our 200 hours Teacher Training Course -whether you undergo it in one month or in 9 weekends- is focused on delivering the basic content a yogi needs to start his or her journey of teaching Yoga.

In recent years we have also extended our teachings by adding new courses: We now have a course focused solely on Yoga Nidra (where we create a state of meditative consciousness) and we created 3 advanced Teacher Training Courses focused on Body, Mind & Soul. All of these courses are recognized by Yoga Alliance and give a student the option to become a 500 hrs. certified Teacher. These Teacher Training Courses are currently happening in Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg and India.


We are a service oriented organization. Many people are continuously hungry for more information and guidance in their life journey. We noticed that many of our teachers wanted to support each other in this search for information, because the education possibilities do not die down as soon as the course is finished.

That is why Yogalife Festival came into existence, here teachers come to help each other and introduce new people to the lavish world of Yoga. This started as a gathering for Belgian Yogalife teachers, but soon we noticed that students from Switzerland and Germany were also excited to be a part of the experience so it became an international encounter. There are lots of people looking for a lifeline when going through many different challenges in life. The essence of those challenges is coming from within, whether they are coming up in a relationship, a job or finding direction in life. That is why we extended our curriculum with programs which are based on Yoga Philosophy. These programs are not academically (like the Teacher Trainings) but we really focus on working together in finding a path. Two of those programs are Antastha Yatra (a 10 day yoga process in India) and Puruchartas (a 2 day workshop).

Everybody is helping other people to grow.


We invest most of our resources into our teachers. We keep each other on the path with an open feedback culture. That is also why we are a strong community. Everybody is always helping other people to grow.

Since we are doing this for two decades already, we have a lot of students who became core teachers in our team and bring in experience from all over the world. Did you know that by now, there are more then a thousand Yogalife teachers out there from 30 different countries? And they all bring in their own field of expertise, some are doctors, others are engineers, some are waiters and others are philosophers. So together we have an enormous resource of knowledge that we share in our teachings.

Yogalife is now a world-wide community: In our programs in India, we welcome people from all over the world (Australia, New-Zealand, America,…) and in our European courses we meet a lot of local people. Most of our trainers are based in Europe, and by working together we have become more effective. Looking at this community attitude, lots of new people got attracted to us: Julia Roberts took Yoga classes from us during her stay in India preparing for the movie ‘Eat, Pray, Love’. Sanjeev’s work with the people from Solar Impulse to help them achieve extreme challenges with the help of Yoga is a very interesting example of how yoga helps you in life. We also guide many corporate leaders that use the Yogic way of life to deal with the enormous responsibilities that they hold.

Manoj Bhanot

Manoj Bhanot

Yogalife Founder, Belgium

Manoj is the founder, lead teacher and backbone of Yogalife Belgium. Modern and grounded, a lovable teacher and respected friend, Manoj was clearly guided by the universe to spread the teachings of Yoga. Being born into a family of Yoga teachers on the desert land of Rajasthan India, he gained a deep understanding of the scriptures and early on learned from renowned writers and teachers. As Manoj today encourages his students to question everything, he himself took life as an investigation searching for truth: first studying sciences, later experiencing life as a software engineer, art curator, event and marketing manager. Finally landing in his true roots as a Yogateacher, Manoj now teaches as an expert in human energy and chakras. Manoj’s profound understanding of Yoga Nidra, as a student of Bihar School of Yoga, created a one of a kind Nidra training in Belgium. Manoj is one of those rare teachers who can implement knowledge of ancient scriptures into practical everyday life. His natural ability to see people and connect with students through his honesty and sense of humour, makes him everyone’s favourite teacher and mentor.

Sanjeev bhanot

Sanjeev Bhanot

Yogalife Founder

Sanjeev is the founder of Yogalife International and also the beating heart of the organisation. He combines yogic spirituality with his scientific background in physiology and naturopathy. Sanjeev embarkedon his yoga path as a young boy, who befriended the sadhus (traveling yogis) around the corner from his school in Dungargarh, India. His interest in yoga and spirituality was driven by a natural curiosity about the human body and mind. He started teaching yoga 30 years ago, in 1992 and established Yogalife in 1999. Since then he has trained more than 1000 teachers from 30 countries around the world and has lead workshops on three continents. Sanjeev worked on global projects in theUN, Solar Impulse and gave his first Ted Talk in 2019. Over the years of intense practice and study, Sanjeev developed a deep intuition that goes far beyond his knowledge of anatomy and psychology. He possesses the innate ability to see deep within a person,opening hearts to their own powerful potential. His signature Yoga style,Antastha Yoga which is taught blindfolded, teaches that when we remove our sense sight, we become open to experience a deeper kind of vision.

Shweta Bhanot

Shweta Bhanot

Yogi, Festival Organizer

As the youngest sister of the Bhanot Yoga teaching family, Shweta has a unique personality and brings calm, humour and relaxation into every room she teaches. Just like her brothers, Shweta has been spoon fed the teachings of Yoga from an early age onward and later as a young adult she was initiated into yoga by her Guru Swami Niranjanananda from Bihar School of Yoga.Shweta kept studying and joined Yogalife foundation during her first Teacher Training in the inspiring surroundings of Dharamsala. Since then she has been teaching in her home in Melle where students can experience ‘Yoga met Shweta’ and as a lead trainer in the Yogalife Teacher Trainings. In 2022 Shweta is leading a brand new 200 hour Teacher Training course in Luxemburg. Shweta teaches as an expert of Hatha Yoga and has the great ability to share all aspects of this profound path of Yoga in a way that students can grasp and apply into every day life. Being an inspiration to many Yogalife students, Shweta is an approachable, knowledgeable and kind mentor.


Micaela Preguerman

Yogi, Graphic Designer

Mica is a colourful, creative and motivating yogic soul and the big smile of Yogalife International. She is the kind of teacher who cracks your heart open to bring you back to your inner happiness. Mica is Sanjeev’s co-teacher in many of his trainings and retreats and runs her own Yoga Shala and retreat centre on the island of Ibiza, Spain named Casa Corazón. In the Yogalife teacher training, she teaches the subject of life energy, prana, in the most inspiring way, leaving studentswith the understanding that they themselves hold the key to their power. Mica has been on a path of soul-searching and self-discovery since she was very young. She grew up with the clear understanding that the journey is internal and that the universe lies within, seeing the body, mind and soul as one entity, an ancestral knowledge given to her by herArgentinian native Grandmother. Next to the Yogalife Teacher Training, Mica has trained in Antastha Yoga, Anatomy and physiology, the Work of Byron Katie and Yoga for the voice.

Diana Elizalde

Diana Elizalde

Yogi, Teacher

Born in Mexico from a long lineage of teachers, Diana is the warm heart and soul of Yogalife Belgium. Living in Belgium for over two decades, she runs a Yogastudio in her hometown of Zottegem and Oudenaarde and teaches for the Sport Department in Zottegem. Her mission in life isto contribute deeply to her student’s path of self-discovery, transformation and acceptance. Specialized in Hinduism throughout the scriptures by HarvardX, the Science of Happiness at Berkeley University and First Aid for Sports. Diana also develops workshops around Yoga and anxiety, sleeping disorders, Yoga for kids, teens and families and pregnancy yoga. Additionally she is specialized in Yin Yoga and Anatomy, Fascia Release and Relaxing massage. Diana has an ever growing understanding of anatomy and yoga teaching techniques due to her hungry and curious mind. As an experienced Yogalife teacher, Diana teaches sequencing, the development and refinement of teaching skills, use of props, meditation and the understanding of yoga tradition.

Nadine Vanmanshoven

Nadine Vanmanshoven

Yogi, Physical Therapist

Since 1979, Nadine Vanmanshoven, Yogalife’s anatomy teacher, is a Physical Therapist with a strong background in applied anatomy and a tremendous curiosity for the human body. As an experienced teacher, Nadine links together yoga, anatomy, physical therapy and science. After obtaining her degree she continued her education by specializing and obtained vast further qualifications (in manual lymph drainage, autogenic bronchial drainage, urinary incontinency and sexual dysfunctions, manual therapy, creative consciousness coaching, Shiatsumassage, Meditation, palliative care and ortho molecular therapy). She has intensely trained with Yogalife, Sarah Powers ( insight yoga), Jo Barnett (yin yoga) and Eva Kamala Rodenbergh (Iyengar fundamentals).Nadine’s holistic style is based on years of experience and knowledge asa physical therapist, complemented by awareness from the rich Indian Yoga tradition, anatomy, pathology and life itself. A yoga class with Nadine is each time like a breath of fresh air in a busy week: safe, calming, relaxing and up-lifting, simultaneous strenuous and relaxing at the same time, feeling the body and mind harmonising. Nadine takes you on a real trip, driven by her passion and enthusiasm. “Teaching is learning, growing, creating and providing conditions, to bring out the greatest assets in people. "

Poonam Stecher Sharma

Poonam Stecher Sharma

Yogi, Entrepreneur

Poonam Stecher Sharma, as the youngest sister of the Bhanot family, is a unique teacher who follows and spreads a Yoga tradition which effectively combines ancient wisdom and modern science. Poonam, as a strong and fierce personality, is the fire of the Yogalife family and runs her own Yoga and Ayurveda center in Zürich. Her formal training started in 1996 at Yogalife and was further deepened with the Bihar School of Yoga in Munger, India. Poonam has been a well-loved professional teacher since 2001.Yoga classes with Poonam induce amongst the students a calm clarity and a positive connection to the body, spirituality and the surrounding world. Her gentle and inspiring coaching heightens an inner awareness that enables a true listening to the deepest voice of oneself. Poonam is able to read into the true needs of students and vividly encourages them to the highest level of their abilities, often far beyond expectation.

Julie Vormezeele

Julie Vormezeele

Yogi, Teacher

Julie’s continuous search for answers and peace led her to a Hatha yoga class. It was not less than a break-through. The positive pull of inner gravity only grew with time. Seven times she joined the inner exploration program Antastha yatra in Goa, followed by Yoga Teacher Training course (YTTC), Yoga Nidra ATTC with Yogalife Belgium and Yogalife international, nonviolent communication workshops, daily self-practice and more... Julie is absolutely convinced of the power of Yoga Nidra, Yoga and the power of creation. Having experienced first-hand how to create what you truly desire, she’s eager to share the possibilities this path has to offer. She worked as a nurse in a university hospital, confirming the deep desire to help and support people. She is one of the core team members of Antastha Yatra and Yogalife Belgium’s programs.

Pankaj Sharma

Pankaj Sharma

Yogi, Engineer

Born in the Himalayan region of North India, Pankaj started his journey of Yoga to find the true purpose of life. In the year 2013-2014, Pankaj followed yoga sadhana courses in Delhi and Rishikesh, India. Later he completed the course from Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, Delhi. During his bioscience engineering studies in Belgium, he continued yoga learning from Yogalife and thus became a part of the family. Pankaj is now teaching Hatha Yoga, Yoga for the back and spine, Yin yoga and Yoga Nidra classes full-time. He connects science and yoga to live a happy and healthy, medicine free life. Pankaj loves to bring understanding of the scientific links to yogic practices. With his warm humour and peaceful personality, everybody loved to connect to Pankaj during the Yogalife Teacher Trainings.Born in the Himalayan region of North India, Pankaj started his journey of Yoga to find the true purpose of life. In the year 2013-2014, Pankaj followed yoga sadhana courses in Delhi and Rishikesh, India. Later he completed the course from Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, Delhi. During his bioscience engineering studies in Belgium, he continued yoga learning from Yogalife and thus became a part of the family. Pankaj is now teaching Hatha Yoga, Yoga for the back and spine, Yin yoga and Yoga Nidra classes full-time. He connects science and yogato live a happy and healthy, medicine free life. Pankaj loves to bring understanding of the scientific links to yogic practices.

Valérie Vankelst

Valérie Vankelst

Yogi, Engineer

In 2016, Valérie began practicing yoga for the first time when she was going through a tough phase in her life – physically and emotionally drained. She started with restorative yoga and later discovered yin and hatha yoga. Valérie was pleasantly surprised by how yoga positively impacted her body (she had reuma) and mind (she was burned out). It brought back her zest for life! Now, after 6 years, Valérie teaches Hatha, Yin, Restorative, and yoga Nidra. She educates people about the importance of understanding their own limits and abilities. Her goal is to help them find balance in both body and mind, not just on the yoga mat, but also in their daily routines. Valérie plays a central role within Yogalife, actively involved in supporting and coordinating the teacher training program in Brussels. Additionally, she participates as both an instructor and a student in Yogalife's retreats in Goa.


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